Seal Pro Painting is a company that believes in giving back. In 2018 we completed our first ever FREE exterior repaint. We partnered up with local businesses and non-profits to complete this project. On going, we plan to do these projects once a year. Eventually we would love to grow to the point where we could do them multiple times a year.
We will do our next give away in 2022. We are currently asking for people to email us and nominate someone for this gift. Submissions will be reviewed and someone will be picked by our staff. We are looking to help people in need who can't afford to do their dream painting projects. We look forward to hearing your stories.
BUSINESSES: Are you interested in partnering with us on future projects and giving back with us? We can do more together to make a difference in our communities. Contact us by email to let us know you are interested info@sealpropainting.com
Seal Pro Painting is a company that believes in giving back. In 2022 we completed our SECOND FREE exterior repaint. We partnered up with local businesses and non-profits to complete this project. On going, we plan to do these projects once a year. Eventually we would love to grow to the point where we could do them multiple times a year.
We will do our next give away in 2023.
This year we awarded our free exterior repaint to another teacher who shows excellence in her work and gives back to her community. We were thrilled that Pipeline Church partnered with us to not only paint her home but to also plant a garden. We also replaced lights on her home and a few other small things to make it look extra nice!